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Sexual Wellbeing – The Importance of Being Pleasured

Sexual Wellbeing – The Importance of Being Pleasured

Sexual wellbeing is about more than just the occasional frisky Friday night or a cheeky weekend away. It’s a crucial part of feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want to feel fabulous in all aspects of life? Being sexually healthy means keeping infections and illnesses at bay, and taking […]

Fingering Fingering Fingering – Hellove Class #27

“It felt like a hammer was pounding inside me,” Emily recounted, thinking back to her first intimate encounter with her partner, Ryan. After several dates, they were eager to deepen their connection. “Following some foreplay, I was wet and ready. But as soon as my underwear came off, he started thrusting his fingers inside me […]

All You Need to Know About Morning Masturbation

Imagine this: the sun is just peeking over the horizon and your alarm goes off. You rub your eyes and hit snooze. It’s not quite time to get out of bed yet—it’s time for a little morning pleasure. Not quite your idea of a perfect start to the day? That’s alright! But before you dismiss […]

To Feel Sexy Again

To Feel Sexy Again – Hellove Class #25

Whether you’re navigating the dating scene and feeling less than desirable, or you’re in a relationship and struggling with a dwindling sex drive, the past 18 months of confinement (and constant sweatpants) have likely taken a toll on your sexual confidence. You’ve lost your spark, your sauce, your zhush. But it’s time to reignite that […]

The Proper Way to Dispose of Used Condoms

The Proper Way to Dispose of Used Condoms

We’ve all encountered the unpleasant sight of a used condom discarded carelessly, eliciting a strong feeling of disgust. Many of us have also heard stories of children emerging from a hidden corner of the house or the edge of the garden, clutching a used condom and questioning their parents about its purpose. Gross! To avoid […]

To Last Longer During Sex

Wondering how to extend your duration in bed? You’re not alone. This common concern can impact self-esteem, relationships, and overall sexual satisfaction. Fortunately, Hellove is here to offer practical solutions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into effective strategies to boost your stamina and enhance your sexual performance. From targeted exercises and breathing techniques to […]

Can Sex/Masturbation Increase Testosterone?

“Does sex increase testosterone?” It’s a question that intrigues medical researchers, puzzles health professionals, and leaves the average person scratching their head. If you’ve been wondering whether sex boosts t levels, you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll explore the scientific evidence, debunk some myths, and discuss lifestyle choices to help you understand the complex […]

Enhancing Your Sexual Wellness

Enhancing Your Sexual Wellness

When we talk about wellness, the focus often gravitates toward mental health, physical fitness, and nutrition. Yet, amidst these discussions, one crucial aspect tends to be sidelined: sexual wellness. While we strive to maintain mental clarity, engage in regular exercise, and nourish our bodies, the question arises – how much attention do we allocate to […]


About Foreplay: How Long Should It Be?

Foreplay refers to any sexual activity preceding penetrative intercourse between partners. Its aim is to ignite both the body and mind, ensuring a strong connection before engaging in more intense sexual acts. While spontaneous passion can sometimes lead to immediate intimacy, it’s often more satisfying to build up arousal gradually. This approach allows individuals to […]

hold longer

To Hold Longer During Sex

How can I hold longer during sexual activity? This is a common concern for many individuals, as it can impact self-confidence, relationships, and overall sexual gratification. Fortunately, GASM is here to provide assistance. Here are several practical strategies aimed at enhancing endurance and performance in bed. Throughout this guide, we’ll delve into established methods, ranging […]